NORSOK Standards at Northpoint

NORSOK Standards

NORSOK are internationally recognised Norwegian criteria with the objective of “supporting international standardisation work with Norwegian knowledge in order to improve international standards”. These standards have been developed by Standards Norway with the support of the Norwegian Oil Association (OLF) and the Federation of Norwegian Manufacturing Industries (TBL).

NORSOK officially stands for “Norsk Sokkels Konkurranseposisjon” and has been around since 1994. Today NORSOK, ISO, IMO FTP code and SOLAS 74 standards form the basis of regulations for both on- and off-shore oil & gas industry operations.

In terms of paint application, many of the specifications produced are based around the NORSOK M-501 standard which outlines the requirements for paint types, order of application and thicknesses according to the environment the paint system is to be exposed to. Northpoint has worked to meet the specific standard requirements for Saudi Aramco, Petrofac and KOC to name a few.

Northpoint’s Capabilities

Northpoint has been an applicator of corrosion protection coatings since the late 1970’s and has a wealth of experience to draw on. In recent years, Northpoint has pioneered the application of Fusion Bonded Epoxy coatings (FBEC) with Liquid Epoxy coatings, as a solution aimed at reducing drag and turbulence of long stretches of pipes lines. Effectively the coating reduces the amount of energy needed to pump water over extended distances and the steel pipework is protected from corrosion at the same time. This provides a design life of up to 50 years in many instances.

Northpoint coating systems can be designed to meet the demands of NORSOK M-501 or to specific customer requirements such as Glass-Flake paint, High-Zinc Solids primers, or Novolac Epoxies. Whatever the requirement, Northpoint has a solution!

Northpoint’s Equipment & People

Northpoint has a state-of-the-art SprayBake Booth (spray booth LEV with oven capabilities) and a range of application equipment; Graco Merkur 45 : 1 air assisted airless, Graco XTreme 60 : 1 airless & Graco XM 2k Plural. Key staff members have been trained and meet the requirements of SSPC Train the Painter Scheme and Coatings Inspectors qualified to NACE I, II & III as well as ICorr L2.

If you are looking for quality corrosion protection or a reliable paint system for your parts, Northpoint can work with you to provide a recommended coating system. Contact us today for more information.